Table 1. Description of 13 climatic factors and corresponding calculated formula.
Variable | Abbreviation | Unit |
Annual mean temperature | AMT | °C |
Mean temperature of the warmest month | MTWM | °C |
Mean temperature of the coldest month | MTCM | °C |
Annual range of temperature a | ART | °C |
Annual precipitation | AP | mm |
Precipitation of wettest month | PWM | mm |
Precipitation of driest month | PDM | mm |
Precipitation of seasonality b | PSD | % |
Annual biotemperature c | ABT | °C |
Warmth index d | WI | °C |
Coldness index e | CI | °C |
Potential evapotranspiration rate f | PER | °C /mm |
Humidity index g | HI | mm/°C |
a ART = Mean of monthly (max temp—min temp).
b PSD = Coefficient of variation.
c ABT = (∑T)/12 (T is 0<T<30°C mean month temperature).
d WI = ∑(T-5) (T is >5°C mean month temperature).
e CI = -∑(5-T) (T is <5°C mean month temperature).
f PER = 58.93×ABT/AP;
g HI = AP/WI.