Table 2.
Information on the genes related to sucrose transport, sucrose cleavage, intermediate metabolic steps and starch biosynthesis
Category | Accession No. | Description | Reference | Major changes in grain appearance and starch properties with the mutant and genetic manipulation of gene |
Sucrose transport and cleavage | D87819 | Sucrose transporter (SUT1) | OsSUT1; Hirose et al. 1997 | Impaired grain filling (Scofield et al. 2002) |
AK072276 | Cell wall invertase 2 | OsCIN2; Cho et al. 2005 | Chalky phenotype with abnormal amyloplast (gif1; Wang et al. 2008) | |
AK100306 | Sucrose synthase 3 | SUS3; Hirose et al. 2008 | - | |
AK102158 | Sucrose synthase 4 | SUS4; Hirose et al. 2008 | - | |
Metabolic step between sucrose cleavage and starch biosynthesis | DQ116384 | Hexokinase 2 | OsHXK2; Cho et al. 2006 | - |
DQ116386 | Hexokinase 4 | OsHXK4; Cho et al. 2006 | - | |
DQ116387 | Hexokinase 5 | OsHXK5; Cho et al. 2006 | - | |
DQ116388 | Hexokinase 6 | OsHXK6; Cho et al. 2006 | - | |
DQ116390 | Hexokinase 8 | OsHXK8; Cho et al. 2006 | - | |
AB062606 | UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase | UGPase; Abe et al. 2002, OsUgp1; Chen et al. 2007, UGPase1; Woo et al. 2008 | Chalky phenotype (Koh et al. 1999) | |
AF455812 | Phosphoglucomutase | NCBIa; Akiyama, unpublished. | - | |
Starch biosynthesis | U66041 | ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large subunit | OsAGPL2; Ohdan et al. 2005; Lee et al. 2007 | shrunken phenotype (Lee et al. 2007) |
AK103906 | ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit | OsAGPS2b; Ohdan et al. 2005; Lee et al. 2007 | shrunken phenotype (Lee et al. 2007) | |
AK107368 | ADP-glucose transporter | OsBT1-1; Toyota et al. 2006 | brittle phenotype (maize; Shannon et al. 1998, barley; Patron et al. 2004) | |
D16202 | Soluble starch synthase 1 | SSS; Baba et al. 1993, SSI; Hirose and Terao 2004, OsSSI; Ohdan et al. 2005 | Altered fine structure of amylopectin (Fujita et al. 2006) | |
AF419099 | Soluble starch synthase II-3 | SSII-3; Hirose and Terao 2004, SSIIa; Ohdan et al. 2005 | Altered fine structure of amylopectin (alk; Umemoto et al. 2004) | |
AY100469 | Soluble starch synthase III-2 | SSIII-2; Hirose and Terao 2004, OsSSIII-2; Dian et al. 2005, OsSSIIIa; Ohdan et al. 2005 | White-cored chalky phenotype and altered fine structure of amylopectin (Fujita et al. 2007, flo5; Ryoo et al. 2007) | |
X62134 | Granule-bound starch synthase I | Okagaki 1992, GBSSI; Hirose and Terao 2004, OsGBSSI; Ohdan et al. 2005 | waxy phenotype with the absence of amylose (Itoh et al. 2003) | |
D11082 | Starch branching enzyme I | RBEI; Mizuno et al. 1992, OsBE1; Ohdan et al. 2005 | Altered fine structure of amylopectin (sbeI; Satoh et al. 2003) | |
D16201 | Starch branching enzyme IIb | RBEIII; Mizuno et al. 1993, OsBEIIb; Ohdan et al. 2005 | Chalky phenotype and altered fine structure of amylopectin (amylose-extender; Nishi et al. 2001) | |
AB093426 | Starch debranching enzyme: Isoamylase I | OsISA1; Ohdan et al. 2005 | sugary phenotype (sugary-1; Kubo et al. 1999a) | |
AK063766 | Plastidial phosphorylase | OsPHOL; Ohdan et al. 2005 | shrunken to pseudonormal phenotypes (pho1; Satoh et al. 2008), protein phosphorylation in amyloplast (wheat; Tetlow et al. 2004) |
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