Fig. 3.
Microglia surface receptors' and microglia M1 and M1/M2b phenotype markers' expression correlation with age for Medical Research Council/United Kingdom (MRC/UK) data. The regression model fit and confidence interval for normalized gene expression versus age is for (A) the microglia module's eigengene (shown in gray), (B) surface receptors for neuron-microglia crosstalk (blue), (C) toll-like receptors (red), and (D) M1 and M1/M2b activational phenotype markers (green). The x-axis shows age and the y-axis shows normalized gene expression of the microglia module's eigengene. Legends in (B–D) indicate all respective marker genes that are expressed in the MRC/UK data set and therefore were included in the regression. Pearson's correlation coefficient of the mean expression of the expressed marker genes (B–D) or module eigengene versus age (A) is shown in the bottom-left corner of each plot.