Figure 1.
Peptide-Bound CGRP and AM1 Receptor ECD Heterodimer Structures
(A and B) CGRPmut- and AM-bound complexes in cartoon representation with disulfide bonds as sticks and secondary structure elements labeled. Peptide, CLR, and RAMP terminal residues are numbered. Peptide side chains are shown as sticks in the left images but are omitted in the right images. MBP is not shown. The color scheme is consistent throughout the figures with carbon atoms varied in color to distinguish the proteins/peptides and oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur atoms in CPK colors.
(C) Superpositions of the peptide-bound complexes with the PTH:PTH1R ECD (PDB: 3C4M) and CRF:CRFR1 ECD (PDB: 3EHU) structures. The receptors are shown as Cα traces and the peptides as cartoons.
(D) Amino acid sequences of the C-terminal regions of the human CGRP, CGRPmut, AM, and AM2 peptides. The turn structure region is highlighted in gray and Pro residues are in bold. See also Figures S1 and S2.