Fig. 1.
MYC and MAX binding at BCR promoter. (a) Schematic representation of 11-nucleotide position frequency matrix for MYC/MAX binding (MA0059.1) as obtained from Jaspar core database. The height of the nucleotides of the “sequence logo” represents the conservation of the nucleotides measured in bits (binary digit) (b) Nucleotide sequence of the BCR promoter region analyzed in this study. Lowercase nucleotides represent the regions cloned in the pGL3 vector. Consensus regions for MYC/MAX binding are underlined. The regions amplified in Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis are highlighted in orange (Region 1, R1) and yellow (Region 2, R2). The BCR transcriptional starting site, according to NM_021574.2 and NM_004327.3, is highlighted as a red asterisk. (c, d) ChIP results for MYC and MAX binding at region1 (R1) and region 2 (R2) and for MYC and MAX positive controls. The RTq-PCR data represent the means ± SD (standard deviation) of two independent experiments. An IgG antibody was used as negative control. Signals are normalized to the Input DNA. *** = p < 0.0001