Table 1.
Age | Gender | Presentation | Location | MRI appearance | DTI | Surgical Margins | Result | Histology |
4 | M | Quadriparesis, sig R hemiparesis | Cervicomedullary | Solid enhancing lesion with cystic areas | Splayed (non-infiltrated) | GTR | Discrete | JPA |
5 | M | Back pain | Thoracic | Cystic lesion with solid enhancing (Figure 1) | Splayed (non-infiltrated) | GTR | Discrete | JPA |
12 | M | CT | Cervicothoracic (C3-T2) | Solid enhancing lesion with cystic areas | Splayed (non-infiltrated) | GTR | Discrete | JPA |
17 | F | Gait disturbances | Thoracic | Mixed solid and cystic with internal areas of hemorrhage and dysplastic blood vessels, extensive thoracic syrinx, | Splayed (non-infiltrated) | GTR | Discrete | JPA |
18 | M | Upper extremity weakness | Cervical | Solid enhancing lesion with cystic area, fluid level from prior hemorrhage | Splayed (non-infiltrated) | GTR | Discrete | JPA |
6 | M | Progressive hemiparesis | Cervicomedullary | Solid enhancing lesion with cystic areas | Splayed (non-infiltrated) | GTR | Discrete | JPA |
17 | M | Progressive weakness, hx of prior ependymoma resection | Cervical | Heterogeneous mass with solid and cystic areas, evidence of prior hemorrhage | Splayed (non-infiltrated) | GTR | Discrete | Ependymoma |
2 | M | Gait disturbances | Cervicomedullary | Solid enhancing lesion with cystic areas (Figure 2) | Splayed (non-infiltrated) | STR | Discrete | JPA |
14 | M | Left jaw pain | Cervical | Enhancing nodular region with surrounding non-enhancing T2 signal abnormality (Figure 3) | Disrupted | Biopsy | Ill-defined | Ganglioglioma |
16 | F | Lower extremity weakness | Thoracic | Peripherally enhancing irregular lesion, extensive leptomeningeal disease | Disrupted | Biopsy | Ill-defined | High grade glioma |
CM, cervicomedullary; CT, cervicothoracic; C, cervical; T, thoracic; GTR, gross total resection; JPA, juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma; STR, subtotal tumor resection