Figure 4.
Examples of techniques that can be used to determine biofilm material properties. A rheometer setup in which a natural biofilm sample attached to a membrane can be tested (Korstgens et al., 2001a) (a). Copyright (2001) Institute of Physics Publishing. Staphylococcus aureus biofilm at 8 hours, with the tracks of bacterial motion (b). Scale bar is 5 mm. Reprinted with permission from (Rogers et al., 2008). Copyright (2008) American Chemical Society. A magnetic tweezers setup for monitoring biofilms grown in flow cells (c) Reprinted with permission from (Galy et al., 2012). Copyright (2012) Elsevier. SEM images of biofilm coated beads used for AFM measurements (d). The bead on the left is surrounded by younger biofilm than the bead on the right. Scale bars are 30 μm. Reprinted with permission from (Lau et al., 2009) Copyright (2009) Elsevier.