Figure 3. Spatial Organization within the Anterolateral Crural Synergy Group.
(A and C) Organization of motor pool positions from L3-L4 in p21 (A) and p1-p7 (C) wild-type mice after CTB and Rh-Dex injection into specific muscles. Standard spinal cord dimensions shown in µm.
(B and D) Contour density plots showing the distribution of individual cell body positions at p21 (B) and p1-p7 (D). Position coordinates were determined as distance in micrometers with respect to the central canal and normalized to standard spinal cord dimensions. At both ages, X coordinates are significant between TA and PL, and EDL and PL at p < 0.001 (Student’s t-test). At both ages, Y coordinates are significant between TA and EDL, and TA and PL at p < 0.001 (Student’s t-test) (p21: TA: n = 99 MNs; 5 mice. EDL: n = 33 MNs; 4 mice. PL: n = 65 MNs; 4 mice. p1-p7: TA: n = 78 MNs; 5 mice. EDL: n = 32 MNs; 3 mice. PL: n = 30 MNs; 2 mice). Scale bars represent 30 µm in (A) and (C). For related data, see also Figure S3.