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. 2015 Aug;105(8):1572–1576. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302688


Characterization of Population Sample by Depression Status: Southern California, 2011–2013

Not Depressed
Variable Mean ±SE or % No. Mean ±SE or % No. Pa
Age, y 28.3 ±0.6 147 29.3 ±0.8 83 .358
Has had a child 59.6 146 73.5 83 .034
No. of pregnancies 1.92 ±0.19 142 2.11 ±0.21 82 .522
No. of children 1.42 ±0.13 146 1.66 ±0.16 83 .241
Wants more children 61.4 140 58.2 79 .642
Employed 44.4 144 36.3 80 .233
Religious 140 79 .85
 Not at all 12.9 13.9
 Somewhat 74.3 70.9
 Very 12.9 15.2
Cohabitating 46.2 145 35.4 82 .112
Birth control use
 Use birth controlb 63.9 147 51.8 84 .072
 Abstinent 10.0 7.6
 No birth control 25.6 42.5
 Using birth control correctly 78.3 55.0 < .001
Birth control effectiveness 93 42 .069
 High 19.4 23.8
 Medium high 45.1 45.2
 Medium low 35.5 28.6
 Low 0 2.4
Smoker 29.3 147 34.9 83 .372
Drug use
 Taking illegal drugs 9.0 145 20.3 79 .016
 Taking prescription drugs 32.9 146 57.5 80 < .001
 Taking depression medication 5.5 146 16.5 79 .007
 Taking anxiety medication 5.5 145 8.9 79 .332
Functionality impaired 1.8 112 16.7 83 < .001
Knowledge questions correct 67 37
 Pregnancy related 95.0 ±1.3 92.5 ±1.8 .246
 Women’s health related 35.1 ±3.5 33.3 ±5.6 .784
 Total 84.1 ±1.2 81.6 ±1.8 .232
Heard of FASD/FAS 77.1 140 71.6 81 .359
Knows someone affected by FASD/FAS 34.1 132 36.8 76 .689
Alcohol consumption variables
Total sample
 Drinks/wk 2.93 ±0.39 136 6.72 ±1.41 78 .002
 Drinks/occasion 2.38 ±0.33 138 2.57 ±0.47 79 .738
 Binge episodes/2 wk 0.94 ±0.14 136 2.20 ±0.58 79 .008
 Age at first drink 15.5 ±0.3 138 14.5 ±0.45 79 .136
 Family dependency risk 10.1 ±1.1 64 19.4 ±4.7 33 .014
 T-ACE 1.92 ±0.17 64 2.35 ±0.27 33 .157
 T-ACE severity 10.3 ±1.3 65 14.1 ±3.2 34 .195
 Perception of other women's drinks/wk 6.61 ±0.71 138 9.20 ±1.36 72 .063
 Perception of other women's  drinks/occasion 3.41 ±0.30 137 3.33 ±0.30 76 .862
Current drinkers
 Drinks/wk 5.18 ±0.56 77 13.45 ±2.39 39 < .001
 Drinks/occasion 4.16 ±0.48 79 5.07 ±0.75 40 .292
 Binge episodes/2 wk 1.58 ±0.20 81 4.35 ±1.03 40 .001
 Age at first drink 15.4 ±0.3 81 13.8 ±0.5 41 .007
 Family dependency risk 9.46 ±1.24 39 22.6 ±6.8 16 .008
 T-ACE 1.92 ±0.20 39 3.14 ±0.36 14 .003
 T-ACE severity 8.82 ±0.74 39 19.7 ±6.3 14 .008
 Perception of other women's drinks/wk 6.22 ±0.61 78 13.6 ±2.3 35 < .001
 Perception of other women's  drinks/occasion 3.49 ±0.28 76 4.39 ±0.48 37 .088

Note. FAS = fetal alcohol syndrome; FASD = fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; T-ACE = an alcohol screening questionnaire with questions on tolerance, annoyed, cut down, and eye-opener.


Comparison between depressed and not depressed women using χ2 test or analysis of variance.


Includes abstinence.