Selected HIV Prevention Interventions Included in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions Project
Intervention | Study Population | Description | Main Outcomes |
d-up!47 | Black MSM | Community-level intervention for Black MSM that is designed to change social norms by enlisting popular opinion leaders. The opinion leaders are trained to change risky sexual norms and endorse risk reduction in conversations with their friends and acquaintances. | Decreased unprotected anal intercourse. |
100% enrolled were Black | Decreased number of unprotected sexual partners. | ||
Focus on Youth + ImPACT48,49 | At-risk Black youths (aged 13–16 y) from low-income neighborhoods | Small-group and parent–child-dyad intervention designed to reduce substance and sexual risk behaviors of high-risk youths. The intervention emphasizes decision-making, goal setting, communication, negotiation, and consensual relationships. Includes a single session delivered individually to each youth and his or her parent or guardian that emphasizes parental monitoring and communication and includes skills-building exercises. | Among participants who were sexually active at baseline, lower rates of sexual intercourse. |
100% enrolled were Black | Among participants who were sexually active at baseline, lower rates of unprotected sex. | ||
Healthy Relationships50 | HIV-positive men and women | Small-group intervention focused on building skills and self-efficacy to make informed and safe decisions about risk disclosure and behavior. Activities included feedback reports, discussion sessions, role-playing, and movie-quality video clips to teach and practice decision-making and problem-solving skills. | Decreased unprotected anal and vaginal intercourse among all participants. |
74% enrolled were Black | Decreased unprotected anal and vaginal intercourse with non–HIV-seropositive partners. | ||
Promise51 | At-risk youths | Community-level intervention focused on risk reduction through distribution of role model stories and prevention materials. Activities included collecting information about HIV risk behavior in the community, creating role model stories based on personal accounts of community members, and recruiting and training peer advocates to distribute role model stories and prevention materials. | Increased condom use with main sexual partners. |
Injection drug users and female sex partners | |||
Increased condom use with nonmain sexual partners. | |||
Female commercial sex workers | |||
Men who have sex with men | |||
Residents of areas with high STD prevalence | |||
54% enrolled were Black | |||
RAPP (Real AIDS Prevention Project)52 | At-risk women | Community-level intervention focused on HIV risk reduction. Activities included assessing community knowledge of HIV, using peer networkers for community outreach, engaging in individual-level safer-sex discussions, and engaging in small-group gatherings to promote HIV risk reduction. | Increased condom use during vaginal sex with main partner. |
73% enrolled were Black | |||
Project RESPECT (Brief Counseling Intervention)53 | At-risk men and women at STD clinics | Two-session individual-level intervention that provided client-centered HIV prevention counseling in conjunction with HIV testing. Focused on identification of personal risk factors, barriers to change, and development of an achievable personalized risk reduction plan. | Decreased new sexually transmitted infections. |
59% enrolled were Black | Decreased unprotected vaginal sex. | ||
SISTA (Sisters Informing Sisters on Topics About AIDS)54 | At-risk Black women | Small-group intervention focused on preventing HIV sexual risk behavior via gender and culturally relevant activities. Activities included behavioral skills practice, group discussions, lectures, role-playing, prevention video viewing, and take-home exercises. | Increased consistent condom use. |
100% enrolled were Black | |||
Street Smart55 | Street youths (aged 11–18 y) | Small-group intervention focused on building individual skills to prevent HIV risk behavior. Activities included scripted and nonscripted role-playing, problem-solving activities, and video production. | Decreased unprotected sex among women. |
59% enrolled were Black | |||
Voices/Voces56 | Adult men and women at STD clinics | Small-group intervention focused on building individual skills to prevent HIV risk behavior. Activities included viewing culturally specific videos and facilitated group discussion. | Decreased STD incidence among men. |
62% enrolled were Black |
Note. MSM = men who have sex with men; STD = sexually transmitted disease.