Fig. 7.
In the absence of increased IFN-β induction, influenza infection only partially inhibits type 17 immunity. Mice were challenged with influenza A/PR/8/34 (100 pfu) or vehicle for 14 days (d) followed by infection with S. aureus (1 × 108 cfu) for 24 h. SA, S. aureus only; FLU/SA, influenza and S. aureus; FLU, influenza only. A and C: cytokine gene expression in lung (n = 11–12). B: inflammatory cytokine in lung homogenate (n = 8). D: cytokine gene expression in lung (n = 3–4). E: cytokine concentration in lung homogenate (n = 4). *P < 0.05 vs. all other groups; †P < 0.05 vs. all groups except day 8.