Isolates and plasmids carrying blaCTX-M-15, blaCTX-M-64, blaCTX-M-123, or blaCTX-M-132
Isolatea | blaCTX-M | Date of isolation (mo/yr) | Source | Region/farmb | E. coli MLST | Plasmid markerc | IncI2/orf477d | IncI2/ISEcp1e | Plasmid size (kb)f |
IncI2 | |||||||||
JC2g | 15 | 11/2006 | Chicken | SD17 | 224 | pHNY2-1 | P | P | 65,358 |
AHC46h | 64 | 6/2011 | Chicken feces | AH14 | 1011 | pHNAH46-1 | P | P | 62,194 |
LDH19i | 132 | 1/2013 | Human urine | GD- | 4528 | pHNLDH19 | P | P | 62,194 |
SG0514-2c | 64 | 3/2012 | Chicken heart | GD07 | 117 | P | P | P | ∼62 |
ACH5i | 64 | 6/2011 | Chicken feces | AH03 | 162 | P | P | P | ∼62 |
SG0532-2i | 64 | 3/2012 | Chicken heart | GD07 | 3851 | P | P | P | ∼62 |
GDC16i | 64 | 8/2010 | Chicken feces | GD15 | 4474 | P | P | P | ∼62 |
BSC1i | 64 | 1/2010 | Chicken feces | GD13 | 4346 | P | P | P | ∼62 |
IncI1 ST108 | |||||||||
AHC4i | 123 | 6/2011 | Chicken feces | AH04 | 746 | pHNAH4-1 | P | NA | 109,194 |
AHC13h | 123 | 6/2011 | Chicken feces | AH06 | 746 | P | P | NA | ∼113 |
AHC14i | 123 | 6/2011 | Chicken feces | AH06 | 746 | P (no MRR1) | P | NA | ∼113 |
AHC2h | 123 | 6/2011 | Chicken feces | AH03 | 746 | P (no MRR1) | P | NA | ∼113 |
AHC54i | 123 | 7/2011 | Chicken feces | AH02 | 155 | P | P | NA | ∼113 |
NKSC61h | 123 | 1/2011 | Chicken liver | GD07 | 155 | P | P | NA | ∼109 |
AHC55h | 123 | 7/2011 | Chicken feces | AH02 | 162 | P | P | NA | ∼113 |
FKP358i | 123 | 11/2010 | Pig feces | GD05 | 165 | P | P | NA | ∼113 |
FKD567h | 123 | 8/2012 | Duck feces | GD01 | 1437 | P | P | NA | ∼113 |
NKSC1i | 123 | 1/2011 | Chicken liver | GD07 | 2309 | P | P | NA | ∼105 |
Inc group not determined | |||||||||
FKP614Fj | 64 | 11/2011 | Pig feces | GD16 | 746 | ND | ND | ND | ND |
TP36g | 123 | 6/2012 | Chicken heart | GD12 | 93 | ND | ND | ND | ND |
FKP587j | 123 | 1/2011 | Pig feces | GD09 | 156 | ND | ND | ND | ND |
FKD453j | 123 | 1/2011 | Duck feces | GD10 | 205 | ND | ND | ND | ND |
FKP97j | 123 | 8/2010 | Pig feces | GD11 | 1437 | ND | ND | ND | ND |
FKP745j | 123 | 8/2012 | Pig liver | GD08 | 1771 | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Bold type indicates isolates from which plasmids were completely sequenced. Plasmid names are shown in the “Plasmid marker” column.
AH, Anhui Province; GD, Guangdong Province; SD, Shandong Province. Farms are numbered. LDH19 is from a human clinical isolate.
Transconjugants (Tc) or transformants (Tx) were screened for IncI2 or IncI1 (pHNAH4-1) markers, as appropriate, using primers in Table S1 in the supplemental material. P, positive; ND, not determined.
PCR with primers CHP1-F and Orf477-R (see Table S1), linking the IncI2 backbone fragment to orf477.
PCR with HP2-R and ISEcp1-F (see Table S1) linking the IncI2 backbone to ISEcp1. NA, not applicable.
Approximate plasmid sizes were estimated from S1 gels.
Gave Tx carrying blaCTX-M but more than one plasmid.
Gave Tx carrying a single plasmid with blaCTX-M.
Gave Tc carrying a single plasmid with blaCTX-M.
No Tc/Tx carrying the relevant blaCTX-M gene were obtained.