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. 2015 Jul 16;59(8):4464–4470. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00501-15


Isolates and plasmids carrying blaCTX-M-15, blaCTX-M-64, blaCTX-M-123, or blaCTX-M-132

Isolatea blaCTX-M Date of isolation (mo/yr) Source Region/farmb E. coli MLST Plasmid markerc IncI2/orf477d IncI2/ISEcp1e Plasmid size (kb)f
    JC2g 15 11/2006 Chicken SD17 224 pHNY2-1 P P 65,358
    AHC46h 64 6/2011 Chicken feces AH14 1011 pHNAH46-1 P P 62,194
    LDH19i 132 1/2013 Human urine GD- 4528 pHNLDH19 P P 62,194
    SG0514-2c 64 3/2012 Chicken heart GD07 117 P P P ∼62
    ACH5i 64 6/2011 Chicken feces AH03 162 P P P ∼62
    SG0532-2i 64 3/2012 Chicken heart GD07 3851 P P P ∼62
    GDC16i 64 8/2010 Chicken feces GD15 4474 P P P ∼62
    BSC1i 64 1/2010 Chicken feces GD13 4346 P P P ∼62
IncI1 ST108
    AHC4i 123 6/2011 Chicken feces AH04 746 pHNAH4-1 P NA 109,194
    AHC13h 123 6/2011 Chicken feces AH06 746 P P NA ∼113
    AHC14i 123 6/2011 Chicken feces AH06 746 P (no MRR1) P NA ∼113
    AHC2h 123 6/2011 Chicken feces AH03 746 P (no MRR1) P NA ∼113
    AHC54i 123 7/2011 Chicken feces AH02 155 P P NA ∼113
    NKSC61h 123 1/2011 Chicken liver GD07 155 P P NA ∼109
    AHC55h 123 7/2011 Chicken feces AH02 162 P P NA ∼113
    FKP358i 123 11/2010 Pig feces GD05 165 P P NA ∼113
    FKD567h 123 8/2012 Duck feces GD01 1437 P P NA ∼113
    NKSC1i 123 1/2011 Chicken liver GD07 2309 P P NA ∼105
Inc group not determined
    FKP614Fj 64 11/2011 Pig feces GD16 746 ND ND ND ND
    TP36g 123 6/2012 Chicken heart GD12 93 ND ND ND ND
    FKP587j 123 1/2011 Pig feces GD09 156 ND ND ND ND
    FKD453j 123 1/2011 Duck feces GD10 205 ND ND ND ND
    FKP97j 123 8/2010 Pig feces GD11 1437 ND ND ND ND
    FKP745j 123 8/2012 Pig liver GD08 1771 ND ND ND ND

Bold type indicates isolates from which plasmids were completely sequenced. Plasmid names are shown in the “Plasmid marker” column.


AH, Anhui Province; GD, Guangdong Province; SD, Shandong Province. Farms are numbered. LDH19 is from a human clinical isolate.


Transconjugants (Tc) or transformants (Tx) were screened for IncI2 or IncI1 (pHNAH4-1) markers, as appropriate, using primers in Table S1 in the supplemental material. P, positive; ND, not determined.


PCR with primers CHP1-F and Orf477-R (see Table S1), linking the IncI2 backbone fragment to orf477.


PCR with HP2-R and ISEcp1-F (see Table S1) linking the IncI2 backbone to ISEcp1. NA, not applicable.


Approximate plasmid sizes were estimated from S1 gels.


Gave Tx carrying blaCTX-M but more than one plasmid.


Gave Tx carrying a single plasmid with blaCTX-M.


Gave Tc carrying a single plasmid with blaCTX-M.


No Tc/Tx carrying the relevant blaCTX-M gene were obtained.