Data | BDCA-2 with α-methyl mannoside | BDCA-2 with Galβ1–4GlcNAcβ1–2Man |
Symmetry | P22121 | P22121 |
Wavelength (Å) | 1.03319 | 0.97950 |
Unit cell lengths (Å) | a = 37.73, b = 69.58, c = 117.51 | a = 37.56, b = 67.64, c = 118.14 |
Resolution Å (last shell) | 28.88–1.65 (1.69–1.65) | 37.56–2.90 (3.07–2.90) |
Rsyma | 5.4 (54.6) | 14.6 (47.2) |
Mn(I) half-set correlation CC(1/2) | 0.999 (0.749) | 0.985 (0.823) |
Mean (I/σ(I)) | 17.5 (2.5) | 8.7 (4.3) |
% complete | 99.8 (96.5) | 99.2 (97.4) |
Number of unique reflections | 38138 | 7094 |
Average multiplicity | 6.4 (4.9) | 5.3 (5.2) |
a Rsym = 100 × ΣhΣi (|Ii(h) − <I(h)>|)/ΣhΣiIi(h), where Ii(h) = observed intensity, and <I(h)> = mean intensity obtained from multiple measurements.