Chow diet versus atherogenic diet
Fasting plasma cholesterol and fasting triglyceride concentrations were obtained from age-matched male mice fed a chow diet or an atherogenic diet for 12 weeks.
Lipoprotein/Lipidsa | Chow diet |
Atherogenic diet |
LDLr−/− | LDLr−/− PCPE2−/− | LDLr−/− | LDLr−/− PCPE2−/− | |
mg/dl | mg/dl | mg/dl | mg/dl | |
Total cholesterol | 230 ± 30b | 300 ± 34c | 1248 ± 109d | 1520 ± 50e |
VLDL-C | 5 ± 1b | 4 ± 2b | 448 ± 252c | 703 ± 257d |
LDL-C | 92 ± 7b | 88 ± 1b | 583 ± 209c | 631 ± 126c |
HDL-C | 48 ± 6b | 67 ± 8c | 52 ± 11b | 131 ± 17d |
Triglycerides | 190 ± 12b | 230 ± 30b | 310 ± 57d | 601 ± 43e |
a Each lipoprotein cholesterol value represents the mean ± S.D. of values from n = 6 mice/genotype. Lipoproteins were purified by a combination of ultracentrifugation and FPLC and their lipid content determined as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Statistical differences at p < 0.05 for each row are indicated by different letters.