Male mice accumulate CD11c+ ATMs more rapidly with short term high fat compared with females. Male and female C57Bl6 mice were fed either ND or 60% HFD chow for 6 weeks. A, gonadal gene expression in arbitrary units (A.U.). Shown are flow cytometry quantitations of total and CD11c+ ATMs in GWAT (B), CD115+ monocytes and Ly6chi blood monocytes (C), and bone marrow myeloid progenitors and stem cells (D). n = 8; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.005; ****, p < 0.001. Comparisons between sexes are shown as follows: #, p < 0.05; ##, p < 0.01; ###, p < 0.005; ####, p < 0.001. Error bars, S.E.