Glucocorticoids impair insulin secretion in 832/13 rat insulinoma cells and isolated rat islets.
A, structures of commercially available synthetic glucocorticoids. B, 832/13 cells were cultured overnight (18–24 h) in the presence or absence of 100 nm hydrocortisone (HC), followed by measurements of insulin secretion in response to 3 or 15 mm glucose or 15 mm glucose plus 5 μm forskolin (FSN). a, p < 0.05 versus DMSO 15 mm glucose group; b, p < 0.01. C, 832/13 cells were incubated overnight with either DMSO vehicle control (C) or 10 nm Dex, budesonide (BD), or fluticasone propionate (FP). Insulin secretion was measured in response to 3 mm and 15 mm glucose and 15 mm glucose plus 5 μm forskolin. a, p < 0.05 versus DMSO control 15 mm glucose group; b, p < 0.05 versus DMSO control 15 mm group; c, p < 0.05 versus DMSO control 15 mm plus forskolin group. D, isolated rat islets were cultured overnight in the presence of either DMSO control (C) or 10 nm Dex, budesonide, or fluticasone propionate. Insulin secretion was measured in the presence of 2.5 and 16.7 mm glucose. a, p < 0.05 versus DMSO control 15 mm group. Error bars, S.E.