Figure 1. Different immunological profiles in aging versus CMV seropositivity.
The contribution of age and CMV to immunological and gene expression profiles was estimated by a combination of nuclear norm and the Elastic net methods (see Methods). The magnitude of the regression coefficients used to separate the classes yCMV− and oCMV− (CMV-independent age effect) or yCMV− and yCMV+ (age-independent CMV effect) are shown in light and dark grey bars, respectively. Only two parameters, the frequency of CD8+ CD28− and CD8+ TEM cells, overlapped between these classification tasks. 14/16 (87.5%) of the parameters used to separate the yCMV− from yCMV+ classes were up-regulated in CMV, in contrast, the majority of parameters used to separate the yCMV− from oCMV− classes (16/23, 69.5%) were down-regulated in aging.