Fig 3. Measured Strength-Duration (SD) curves.
Strength was measured as a population response (see Methods). A total of n = 33 experiments are presented. The linear cultures were grown on 9 different dishes, each dish contained 5 lines and each line was typically stimulated for 3 or 4 different pulse durations. 1D cultures were stimulated first at 0° for different durations and of these n = 25 were also stimulated at 90°. All dishes were stimulated at 2ms to allow normalization (see Methods). (A) Voltage needed to excite the culture (‘Strength’) is plotted as a function of the pulse duration, with the field at 90° to the line. Small light blue filled circles denote measured data; large blue circles denote binned data. The blue line is the best fit with τ = (1.3±0.4) ms, as described in the text. (B) Strength-Duration with the field parallel (0°) to the line of the culture. Small pink squares denote individual measured data points; red large squares denote binned data. Black dotted line is a fit with a single time constant. The two red lines are obtained using a fit with two time constants; For durations shorter than 1 ms: τ = (160±20) μs, and above 1 ms: τ = (1.4±0.2) ms. The curve for the long durations almost completely merges with the 90° curve, indicating that indeed the same mechanisms are active as in the dendrites stimulation. (C) Data from electric field orientation with respect to the linear culture at 0° and 90° together. From the 90° curve we derive the time constant of the dendrites. The 0° curve diverges from the 90° curve at short pulses. From the data in short pulses we derive the time constant of the axons. Dendrites can be seen to be more sensitive to excitation at pulses longer than 1 ms, with a Rheobase of 0.75 Vnorm compared to 1.7 Vnorm of the axons, while axons are more sensitive to excitation at pulses shorter than 1 ms.