An example of amino acid sequence and specific human RBC binding activity for chemically synthesized EBA-175 [71], MSP-2 [73], AMA-1[74] and HRPII protein [75] peptides is displayed. The peptides, with their corresponding amino acid sequences, are given on the left-hand side; small numbers indicate their position within the native protein. The peptide number given is the code assigned by our laboratory for each peptide used. The dotted line to the right separates peptides having >2% binding ability. Each peptide's specific binding activity is indicated by the black bar; 2% binding ability in the screening binding assay represents ∼1200 binding sites per cell. The dark grey area corresponds to amino acid sequences having little or no genetic variability. HABPs localized in these regions are called conserved HABPs; the others, located in the clear areas, are named variable HABPs.