Fig 4.
Co-localization of the CRKRLDRNC peptide with IL-4R at mouse and human atherosclerotic plaques. (A) Amino acid sequences of human, cat, deer, and mouse IL-4 homologous to the CRKRLDRNC peptide. Amino acid colours are coded according to their biochemical properties: purple, basic; blue, acidic; green, hydrophilic; red, hydrophobic. The main binding determinants of human and mouse IL-4 for IL-4R were previously reported and underlined. (B–D) In vivo localization at atherosclerotic plaques of the fluorescein-labelled CRKRLDRNC peptide in Ldlr−/–mice (B), IL-4R staining (C) and the merge (D). (E–G) The CRKRLDRNC peptide overlay onto human atherosclerotic plaques (E), IL-4R staining (F) and the merge (G). Note that the CRKRLDRNC peptide co-localized with IL-4R, which was present at mouse and human atherosclerotic plaques (arrows in D and G). (H) H&E and (I) IL-4R staining of a human normal arterial tissue. DAPI staining for nucleus was shown in blue. Scale bars represent 20 μm (B–G) and 100 μm (I).