H+E staining and PTPIP51-immunostaining of peritumoural tissue of SCC (E, F) and BCC (A, B, C, D) (A) H+E staining of two microvessels embedded in surrounding stroma of BCC. The latter is infiltrated by lymphocytes and cells (numbered and marked by circlets) and (B) Some immune cells (1–4: neutrophils and eosinophils, 5–7: lymphocytes) and the endothelial cells express PTPIP51. (C) Overview. H+E staining of BCC stroma infiltrated by lymphocytes and some granulocytes (D) PTPIP51 is expressed in some of these immune cells. (E) H+E staining of an inflammatory infiltrate mainly comprising granulocytes and lymphocytes located in the stroma of a SCC. (F) PTPIP51 is expressed in many but not all of these immune cells. Bar: A–D: 20 μm, E and F: 50 μm.