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. 2015 May 22;29(7):958–963. doi: 10.1038/eye.2015.79

Table 2. Sebaceous gland carcinoma of the eyelid in 191 cases: treatment and outcome.

Features All patients (n=191)
Primary treatment (n=186)
 Topical mitomycin-C 2 (1)
 Wide excision biopsy 146 (78)
 Orbital exenteration 22 (12)
 Neoadjuvant systemic chemotherapy 16 (9)
Secondary treatment (n=175)
 Topical mitomycin-C 3 (2)
 Cryotherapy 6 (3)
 Wide excision biopsy 31 (18)
 Orbital exenteration 10 (6)
Adjuvant treatment (n=175)
 Systemic chemotherapy 9 (5)
 External beam radiotherapy 31 (18)
 Radical neck dissection 13 (7)
Primary/secondary orbital exenteration (n=186) 37 (20)
Tumor recurrence (n=175) 42 (24)
Time interval between primary treatment and tumor recurrence (months), mean (median, range) 19 (13; <1–125)
Follow-up duration (months), mean (median, range) 29 (20; <1–208)
Final outcome at last follow-up (n=181)
 Alive and well 136 (75)
 Regional lymph node metastasis 41 (23)
 Systemic metastasis 26 (14)
 Death due to systemic metastasis 19 (10)
 Death due to unrelated cause 4 (2)