Vertebral cancellous and cortical bone morphology and strength were differentially affected in 12-week-old pOC-ERαKO females and males compared to LC. (A) Vertebral body BV/TV was decreased due to (B) decreased Tb.Th in female knockouts compared to LC. (A) In male pOC-ERαKO mice, BV/TV in the vertebral shell was similar between genotypes. (C) The vertebral shell had thinner cortices in female pOC-ERaKO mice compared to LC, resulting in (D) decreased Ct.Ar. Vertebral shell Ct.Ar and Ct.Th in pOC-ERaKO male mice were not different from LC. The cortical and cancellous morphology changes seen in female and male pOC-ERαKO mice contributed to (E) a decrease in compressive strength in vertebral compression tests in females, but no change in compressive strength in male knockouts or (F) in compressive stiffness in either sex.
BV/TV, bone volume fraction; Tb.Th, trabecular thickness; Ct.Ar, cortical area; Ct.Th, cortical thickness. Data are mean ± SD, n=8–12 per group. *pOC-ERαKO different from LC, p<0.05 by one-way ANOVA for each sex.