Dep var: BMI | (1) pooled | (2) BW | (3) BM | (4) WW | (5) WM | (6) FE (B) | (7) RE (B) |
female | 3.876*** (0.241) | ||||||
coloured | −0.450 (0.437) | ||||||
indian | −1.696** (0.765) | ||||||
white | −0.913 (0.619) | ||||||
1.empstat | −0.136 (0.352) | 0.0184 (0.437) | 0.207 (0.526) | 1.562 (1.684) | −9.376*** (1.739) | 0.328 (0.406) | 0.116 (0.310) |
2.empstat | 0.212 (0.324) | 0.0630 (0.402) | 0.425 (0.450) | 1.988 (1.677) | 2.683 (2.569) | 0.0665 (0.309) | 0.113 (0.239) |
3.empstat | 0.183 (0.283) | 0.0141 (0.386) | 0.546 (0.383) | 1.843 (1.175) | −2.589 (1.983) | 0.778*** (0.245) | 0.569*** (0.202) |
age | 0.445*** (0.0312) | 0.609*** (0.0484) | 0.231*** (0.0485) | 0.492*** (0.122) | 0.462** (0.178) | ||
age2 | −0.00378*** (0.000344) | −0.00513*** (0.000503) | −0.00156*** (0.000568) | −0.00436*** (0.00131) | −0.00480** (0.00200) | ||
education | 0.113*** (0.0288) | 0.186*** (0.0411) | 0.157*** (0.0373) | −0.432** (0.190) | −0.0269 (0.310) | 0.0589* (0.0344) | 0.124*** (0.0231) |
log hh income | 0.443*** (0.132) | 0.509*** (0.179) | 0.556*** (0.155) | −1.195** (0.489) | 1.521** (0.705) | 0.743*** (0.0945) | |
children | −0.0475 (0.0566) | −0.0456 (0.0782) | −0.0461 (0.0772) | 0.746 (0.619) | 0.0728 (0.404) | −0.0582 (0.0493) | |
no. of adults | −0.0131 (0.0715) | 0.0593 (0.112) | −0.182** (0.0907) | 0.668 (0.530) | 0.465 (0.471) | −0.0958 (0.0612) | |
smoker | −1.946*** (0.236) | −2.190*** (0.787) | −1.321*** (0.256) | −2.641** (1.023) | −1.886** (0.755) | −1.353*** (0.287) | −1.719*** (0.201) |
age* male | 0.271*** (0.0340) | 0.295*** (0.0245) | |||||
age2male | −0.00217*** (0.000373) | −0.00234*** (0.000266) | |||||
age* female | 0.495*** (0.0332) | 0.511*** (0.0244) | |||||
age2* female | −0.00425*** (0.000353) | −0.00442*** (0.000258) | |||||
province dummies | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
constant | 10.94*** (1.233) | 10.01*** (2.101) | 13.70*** (1.932) | 29.18*** (3.542) | 5.036 (4.688) | 16.16*** (0.826) | 10.97*** (1.169) |
Observations | 11,038 | 5,400 | 3,321 | 330 | 268 | 8,858 | 8,849 |
R-squared | 0.193 | 0.120 | 0.120 | 0.215 | 0.257 | 0.310 | |
No. of households | 5,082 | 5,073 |
Notes: Standard errors corrected for clustering.
p < 0.01,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.1.
BW, black women; BM, black men; WW, white women; WM, white men.
empstat codes: 1 = discouraged 2 = searching 3 = employed. Omitted: not economically active.
FE (B)—Fixed Effects Regression on Black subpopulation; RE (B)—Random Effects Regression on Black subpopulation.
Estimates in columns 1–5 weighted, using calibrated weights. It doesn’t make sense to weight RE regressions.