Fig. S9.
Requirement of Akt/mTOR signaling for mitochondrial redistribution to the cortical cytoskeleton. (A–C) PC3 cells were transfected with control nontargeting siRNA or siRNA targeting Akt1/2 (A), mTOR (B), or FAK (C) and analyzed by Western blotting. (D) PC3 cells transfected with control siRNA or siRNA directed to Akt1/2, mTOR, or FAK were treated with vehicle or PX-866, labeled with MitoTracker Red, phalloidin Alexa488, and DAPI and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. Representative pseudocolored images are shown. Magnification, 60×. (E and F) siRNA-transfected PC3 cells were labeled with MitoTracker Red, phalloidin Alexa488, and DAPI, treated with vehicle, and scored for mitochondrial infiltration into lamellipodia (n = 44) (E) or changes in mitochondrial morphology (polarized, perinuclear, infiltrating) (n = 25) (F) by fluorescence microscopy. Mean ± SEM. (G) PC3 cells transfected with the indicated siRNAs were analyzed for invasion across Matrigel in the presence of vehicle (Veh) or PX-866. Representative images are shown. Magnification, 10×.