Fig. 1.
LAMP1 is massively enriched at amyloid plaques. (A) WT and 5xFAD (6-mo-old) mouse cerebral cortex stained for LAMP1 (composites assembled from multiple images acquired with a 20× objective). (B) Composite image showing double labeling for LAMP1 and Aβ (expanded view of 5xFAD sample from A). (C) LAMP1 localization in WT vs. 5xFAD mouse hippocampus (dentate gyrus). (D) LAMP1 staining of lysosomes within both WT and 5xFAD neuronal cell bodies (dashed outline, cerebral cortex). (E) Higher-magnification images of plaques and surrounding LAMP1 in 5xFAD cerebral cortex. [Scale bars: 200 μm (A and B), 20 μm (C), and 10 μm (D and E).] See also Fig. S1.