Fig. S3.
Lysosome accumulations at amyloid plaques predominantly reside within neuronal axons (related to Fig. 5). (A) Visualization of microglia (GFP signal) along with Aβ (plaque) and LAMP1 demonstrates that most LAMP1 around plaques is not of microglial origin. (B) Representative confocal images of cerebral cortex (3- and 6-mo-old 5xFAD mice as indicated) stained for Iba-1 (microglia), Thioflavin S (plaque), and LAMP1 (lysosomes). (C) Td-Tomato expressing AAV injected into 5xFAD hippocampus selectively colocalizes with the LAMP1 in swellings around amyloid plaques in the axonal, but not in the dendritic field. Insets from regions in the dendritic field (marked by dashed green line) and axonal field (marked by dashed blue line) are shown as enlarged panels. (Scale bars: 10 µm.)