Fig. 2.
Posterior morphology of Collinsium ciliosum. (A–C) YKLP 12149, paratype: (A) complete specimen in lateral view, showing 15 pairs of appendages and 15 sets of dorsal spines; (B) detail of terminal claws in posterior limbs; (C) detail of the most posterior portion of the trunk and appendages; (D) YKLP 12129b, showing the posteriormost dorsal spine sets and last four appendage pairs; (E–G) YKLP 12154, an incomplete specimen with well-preserved dorsal spines: (E) oblique dorsal view; (F) detail of three well-preserved spines in E; (G) SEM photomicrograph showing cone-in-cone construction of dorsal spines (marked in black and white arrows). Abbreviations: pte, posterior trunk extreme; tc, terminal claw; others as in Fig. 1.