The hetC gene product is not involved in movement of inhibitors of differentiation from proheterocysts. The wild type (A), ΔhetC (B), ΔpatS (C), ΔhetC ΔpatS (D), ΔhetN (E), and ΔhetC ΔhetN (F) strains harboring pPJAV247, which encodes YFP expressed from the patS promoter to mark proheterocysts and HetR(H69Y)-CFP expressed from the copper-inducible petE promoter, were imaged 9 h after the removal of combined nitrogen. From top to bottom: bright field, yellow fluorescence from PpatS-YFP, blue fluorescence from HetR(H69Y)-CFP, and the composite image. Carets indicate proheterocysts. Bar, 10 μm.