Prostate GVAX/ipilimumab therapy-induced activation of peripheral blood (PB) DC subsets is associated with prolonged survival. PBDC activation and frequency was determined before (week 0/visit 1 (w0v1)), during (w4v3, w8v5, w12v7, w16v9, w20v11, w24v13 and after (follow-up (fu)) prostate GVAX/ipilimumab therapy by flow cytometry. A) Activation state over treatment –by Median Fluorescence Index (MFI) of CD40 of CD11chiCD19−CD14loBDCA1+cDC1, CD11c+CD14−BDCA-3+ cDC2, CD11c+CD14loMDC8+ cDC3 and CD11c−CD14−CD123hiBDCA-2+pDC. Grey bars denote the mean ± SEM range at baseline. B) DC subset frequencies (as percentages of PBMC) and C) absolute numbers per ml blood, over treatment, cDC1: solid black squares, cDC2: open black squares, cDC3: solid grey squares, pDC: open grey squares. Means ± SEM of 28 patients are shown. D) Kaplan Meier curve for on-treatment increases in cDC1 and cDC3 activation. Number of patients and corresponding median survival for each group is given. Differences between pre- and on- or post-treatment were analyzed with the repeated measures ANOVA with a post-hoc Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test. Differences were considered significant when p < 0.05, as indicated with asterisks (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01) within the respective squares. Statistical significance of the survival distribution was analyzed by log-rank testing.