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. 2015 Aug;37(8):662–673. doi: 10.1179/1743132815Y.0000000036

Table 6. Number and percentage of PwMS in each major disability category by DMD use and polypharmacy.

Level of disability (PDDS)
Normal/some n (%) Moderate n (%) Major n (%) Total n (%) P
DMD use Yes 674 (61.6)* 355 (32.4) 66 (6.0) 1095 (100)  < 0.001
No 557 (49.2) 410 (36.2) 166 (14.7)* 1133 (100)
Total 1231 (55.3) 765 (34.3) 232 (10.4) 2228 (100)
Polypharmacy Yes 107 (31.6) 165 (48.7)* 67 (19.8)* 339 (100%)  < 0.001
No 1160 (59.2)* 628 (32.0) 173 (8.8) 1961 (100%)
Total 1267 (55.1) 793 (34.5) 240 (10.4) 2300 (100)
Polypharmacy among subsample with DMD use Yes 48 (41.4) 56 (48.3)* 12 (10.3)* 116 (100.0)  < 0.001
No 393 (64.3)* 185 (30.3) 33 (5.4) 611 (100.0)
Total 441 (60.7) 241 (33.1) 45 (6.2) 727 (100.0)
Polypharmacy among subsample without DMD use Yes 38 (24.7) 70 (45.5)* 46 (29.9)* 154 (100.0)  < 0.001
No 519 (53.0)* 340 (34.7%) 120 (12.3%) 979 (100.0)
Total 557 (49.2) 410 (36.2) 166 (14.7) 1133 (100.0)

DMD: disease-modifying drug; PDDS: patient-determined disease steps; PwMS: people with multiple sclerosis.


Bold faces denote significantly over-represented as determined by standardized adjusted residuals.

Denotes significantly under-represented as determined by standardized adjusted residuals.