Algorithm 1 BRF learning |
1. T: the maximum number of decision trees to grow for BRF |
D: the maximum depth of trees to extend |
M: number of classes |
Sn: Training set, including positive (river and lake) and negative (land, mountain and building) samples with their labels and weight, {x1, y1, w1},…,{xN, yN, wN}; xi ∈ X, y ∈ M
Initialize sample weight = 1/N
2. For
t = 1 to T
Select subset s from training set Sn
Grow an unpruned tree using the s subset samples with their corresponding weights. |
d = 1 to D
Each internal node randomly selects p variables and determines the best split function using only these variables. |
Loop: Using different p-th variables, the split function f(vp) iteratively splits the training data into left (Il) and right (Ir) subsets using Equation (6). |
The threshold t is randomly chosen by the split function f(vp) in the range . |
Compute information gain ΔG function f(vp) |
If (ΔG= max) then Determine the best split function f(vp) for the node d
Else goto Loop. |
End For
Store the probability distribution P (C | lt) to leaf node |
Output: A weak decision tree |
Estimate class label of the training data with the trained decision trees:
Calculate the error of decision tree εt:
Compute weight of the t-th decision tree αt:
If α > 0, then |
Update weight of training sample :
else |
Reject the decision tree |
End For
3. Final output: A BRF consists of N decision trees (N ≤ T)