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. 2015 Jun 19;15(6):14639–14660. doi: 10.3390/s150614639

Algorithm 5 three-point pose estimator + RANSAC

Input: corresponding 3D point set {pi}, {qi}; the maximum distance: dmax; the maximum number of iterations :max Iterations
Output: best pose estimation (R*, t*), Θ
1: Θ = Φ, cmax = 0, Iterations = 0
2: while Iterations <= maxIterations do
3:  Randomly select three pairs of corresponding points from {pi}and {qi}, use three-point method to compute R and t.
4:  Inliers=Φ
5: ci = 0
6: for pi , qi ∈ {pi}, {qi} do
7:   ifqi − (R · pi + t)‖ < dmax then
8:    Inliers = Inliers ∪ {i}
9:    ci = ci + 1
10:   end if
11: end for
12: C=imin(ci,ς)
13: if C > Cmax then
14:   Θ = Inliers
15:   Cmax = C
16: end if
17: end while
19: return (R*, t*), Θ