Fig. 4.
Thr-401 is the major XJTGB1 protein site for CK2 phosphorylation. (A) LC-MS/MS analysis of XJTGB1 protein phosphorylation by NbCK2α. The absence of phosphoric acid (97.9769Da) on the y16 ion fragment demonstrates that Thr-401 is a phosphorylation site for CK2 kinase. (B) Identification of the phosphorylation sites in XJTGB1 protein mutants by in vitro phosphorylation with HvCK2α and NbCK2α. The radioactive intensities of the XJTGB1 protein and its phosphorylation mutants indicate the extent of radiolabelling with [γ-32P]ATP. CBB-stained proteins at the bottom of the panels (B) and (C) are as indicated in Fig. 2B. (C) Phosphorylation comparisons of selected XJTGB1 protein mutants with wt XJTGB1 protein to confirm that Thr-401 is the major phosphorylated residue. (This figure is available in colour at JXB online.)