Coordination of periodic reflex modulation in pairs of related muscles. A: relationship of motor outputs in antagonistic muscle groups with periodic modulation occurring in one of the antagonists only (i), reciprocal modulation (ii), and synchronous modulation (iii). B: periodic modulation patterns occurring in the same muscle group bilaterally with reciprocal (i) and synchronous (ii) relationships. Recordings from unilateral quadriceps and hamstrings as well as right (R) and left (L) tibialis anterior and triceps surae, subject 2. Stimulation parameters: Ai: 0+ 2−, 11 Hz, 5 V; ii: 0− 3+, 16 Hz, 5 V; iii: 0+ 2−, 16 Hz, 4 V; Bi: 0− 3+, 11 Hz, 7 V; ii: 0− 3+, 16 Hz, 7 V.