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. 2015 Jul 20;53(8):2410–2426. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00008-15


Nucleotide similarities of O-processing genes wzx and wzy and the corresponding known cross-reactions using rabbit antisera

Category and O groups % similarity
Cross-reaction using rabbit antiseraa
wzx wzy Known Additional
Identity in either wzx and/or wzy gene(s)
    O153/O178 100 100 No O153 * O54
    O28ac/O42b 100 100 Yes O28ab * O28ac
    O2/O50 100 99.90 Yes Four with O2; 11 with O50c
    O17/O77 100 99.92 Yes d
    O118/O151 100 99.91 O118-O151e O174-O151
    O169/O183 NAf 100 Yes O30 * O169; O105 * O183
    O141ab/O141ac 100 99.82 Yes
    O13/O135 99.68 100 O135-O13e 12 with O13; Seven with O135g
    O17/O44 99.92 100 Yes d
    O123/O186 99.86–99.93 100 Yes O12 * O123; O116 * O123; O4 * O186; O116 * O186; O124 * O186
High similaritiy on one gene but different sizes on the other
    O62/O68 99.92 Diff. sizes Yes O62 * O73; O62 * O106; O62 * O125ab/ac; O68 * O73; O68 * O125abh
    O36/O134 Diff. sizes 99.82 No O36 * O43; O134 * O17; O134 * O171
    O124/O164 Diff. sizes 99.82 Yes O124 * O186; O4 * O164; O25 * O164i
High similarities on both genes
    O90/O127 99.76–99.92 99.14–99.23 Yes O86 * O90; O127 * O128ab
    O107/O117 99.75 99.77–99.85 Yes Ten with O107, nine with O117j
    O20/O137 99.86 99.84 No
    O13/O135/O129 99.60–99.92 98.96–100 Yes O50 * O129
O135-O13, only one way O129 * O133

Two-way cross-reactions are shown as “Yes” or with an asterisk, and one-way cross reactions are shown with a hyphen, e.g., “O118-O151.” These are cross-reactions as known by the WHOCC as of 24 March 2015.


Only one of the O28ac variants is 100% identical.


O2 also cross-reacts with O53, O74, O117, and O138; O50 also cross-reacts with O1, O13, O19, O53, O107, O117, O129, O133, O135, O147, and O149.


—, O17, O44, O73, O77, and O106 form a special O complex, which is very closely related both phenotypically and genotypically. All five O groups show phenotypic two way cross-reactions except for O77 which does not cross-react with O73 or O106. Outside this complex, two-way cross-reactions between O17, O44, O73, and O77 and five, four, seven and one other O groups are presently recorded at the WHOCC.


Only the one way cross-reaction is known.


NA, not applicable. Similarity on wzx genes is very low, sizes are different, and the pairwise BLAST results in a match only over 17 bp (see Table S2 in the supplemental material).


O13 also cross-reacts with O4, O18ac, O19, O23, O25, O44, O50, O62, O73, O125ab, O129 and O147; O135 also cross-reacts with O4, O16, O17, O18ac, O44, O50 and O129.


Fifteen O antigens react with O68 antiserum: O3, O4, O7, O13, O18ab, O19, O23, O36, O44, O102, O138, O141, O142, O147 and O148.


O164 also reacts in O18ac.


O107 also cross-reacts with O1, O14, O50, O92, O102, O108, O116, O139, O159, and O185; O117 also cross-reacts with O2, O26, O50, O53, O101, O112ac, O120, O149, and O185.