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. 2015 Jul 20;53(8):2605–2610. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00747-15


Patient characteristics

No. Sex/age (yr)a Underlying malignancyb Culture result (source) Pathological imaging GM (no. of samples tested/no. of positive samples)c Maximum GM value IFDd BDG (no. of samples tested/no. of positive samples)f Maximum BDG value
2 f/1 ALL relapse Fusarium spp. (palate) 25/2 1.0 Proven 24/24 >500
26 f/16 Thalassemia major C. krusei (blood) 5/0 0.1 Proven 5/0 34
1 m/6 AML relapse Pulm CT scane 20/5 2.3 Probable 21/6 113
25 m/7 AML relapse Pulm CT scan 45/1 0.7 Probable 46/24 >500
3 f/13 AML Pulm CT scan 26/3 1.0 Probable 26/15 >500
8 f/13 MDS Pulm CT scan 18/1 2.4 Probable 27/11 >500
4 f/2 AML 25/0 0.2 25/0 40
5 m/0 SCID 23/0 0.1 24/24 >500
6 m/14 Acute leukemia (bilinear) 27/0 0.1 28/0 42
7 m/11 ALL relapse 10/0 0.1 10/0 50
9 f/7 AML relapse 6/0 0.2 6/0 10
10 m/8 AML 15/0 0.1 15/3 244
11 m/4 AML 28/0 0.2 28/2 116
12 f/2 AML 21/0 0.4 21/0 71
13 m/5 T-cell lymphoma 25/0 0.2 25/2 185
14 m/13 SCID 24/0 0.4 24/24 446
15 m/0 Thalassemia major 14/0 0.4 14/4 211
16 m/1 ALL 21/0 0.4 21/8 >500
17 m/13 ALL 17/0 0.2 17/2 221
18 m/6 SAA 33/0 0.3 34/13 321
19 f/12 ALL 16/0 0.4 16/0 62
20 f/7 Primary immunodeficiency 24/0 0.2 24/1 201
21 f/4 Thalassemia major 20/0 0.1 20/6 482
22 f/10 AML 13/0 0.1 13/1 135
23 f/4 Neuroblastoma 23/0 0.2 23/2 367
24 m/16 ALL 20/0 0.2 20/3 160
27 m/1 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 15/0 0.2 15/6 179
28 m/4 Diamond-Blackfan anemia 21/0 0.2 21/6 >500
29 f/0 ALL relapse 16/0 0.3 16/0 72
30 m/16 ALL 25/0 0.2 25/3 138
31 f/15 ALL 20/0 0.1 20/1 121
32 f/1 AML 13/0 0.1 13/0 63
33 m/14 CML 26/0 0.3 26/2 129
35 m/0 HLH 22/0 0.3 25/2 191

f, female; m, male.


ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; SCID, severe combined immunodeficiency; SAA, severe aplastic leukemia; CML, chronic myeloid leukemia; HLH, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.


GM, galactomannan.


Invasive fungal disease (IFD) was defined according to the revised definitions by the EORTC/MSG consensus group, with the necessary modification that β-d-glucan (BDG) was not included in the microbiological criteria (4). None of the patients without proven or probable IFD was diagnosed with possible IFD.


Whereas the pulmonary (Pulm) CT scan showed a cavity in the left lower lobe in patient #1, well-circumscribed lesions without halo-sign were seen in patients #3, #8, and #25.


BDG was considered positive for levels of ≥80 pg/ml.