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. 2015 Jul 13;5(10):1122–1143. doi: 10.7150/thno.11543

Table 4.

Circulating and non-circulating miRNAs as BC biomarkers. All the reported miRNAs have been validated on BC patients. For each miRNA, we indicated whether they have a role in diagnosis, prognosis or in prediction of therapy response in BC. For all groups we indicated the biological samples used for the validation, the validation assay, the cohort of data, the main results and the references. This table focused on few examples of single miRNA or miRNA signatures described in the text. GGI=gene expression grade index: TAM=tamoxifen; H= herceptin; N= normal tissue; T= tumor tissues; TNBC= triple negative breast cancer.

Type of miRNAs miRNA annotation Role Biological Samples Technique/
Results Ref.
Non-circulating miRNAs 13 miRNAs (miR-9-1, miR-10b, miR-21, miR-34, miR-29b/102, miR126, miR125a/b1/b2, miR-140as, miR-145, miR-155, miR-194, miR-204, miR-213) Diagnosis Tissue Microarray and northern blot/
76 BC vs 10 N
4/13 are downregulated (5 miRNAs are the most constantly deregulated in BC) 164
133 miRNAs Diagnosis Tissue Microarray / 99 BC vs 5 N and 33 BC cell lines 31 miRNAs are associated with tumor subtype or clinical pathological fators 202
15 miRNAs
miR-342, miR-299, miR-217, miR-190, miR-135b, miR-218.;
miR-520g, miR-377, miR-527-518a, miR-520f-520c;
miR-520d, miR-181c, miR-302c, miR-376b, miR-30e
Diagnosis Tissue Microarray / 95 BC vs 17 N ER+; PR+; HER2/neu+: 203
6 BC-miRNAs signature
Diagnosis Tissue Microarray/ 363 T vs 177 N 31% of the total miRNAs varied among T and N tissues; they identified the most commontly altered miRNAs in solid tumors 184
miR-128a, miR-210, and miR-516-3p;
Diagnosis Tissue TaqMan /
185 ER+ vs 114 ER- BC
4-miRNA signature associated with tumor aggressiveness in ER+ BC and miR-210 associated with early relapse in ER- 204
let-7c, miR320dmiR567, miR139-5p Diagnosis Tissue Microarray /
42 BC G1 vs 42 BC G3
4 miRNA signature 21
Diagnosis and prognosis Tissue TaqMan/
60 BC vs 60 N
Both miRNAs are decreased in BRCA mutant; miR-335 could be used as prognostic marker 66
miR-155, miR-493, miR-30e, miR-27a Diagnosis and prognosis Tissue Microarray/ 80 high risk vs 80 low risk 2 upregulated, 'protective' miRNAs (miR-155, miR-493); 2 downregulated risk-associated miRNAs (miR-30e , miR-27a ) 205
Prognosis Tissue qRT-PCR/
89 ER+ BC +TAM vs 56 N
miR-210 and miR-148a are associated with relapse free survival; 206
miR-520c-3p /g/h
miR-204 miR-502-5p
miR-365 miR-363
Prediction of therapy response (TAM) Tissue Microarray/
26 patients with recurrence vs 26 patients without recurrence
miR-7 correlates with tumor grade 212
Prediction of therapy response (TAM) Tissue qRT-PCR/
38 ER+ BC vs 15 BC+TAM
Higher miR-30a-3p, miR-30c, and miR-182 are associated with treatment benefits 213
miR-26a/26b, miR-27b miR-23b,
let-7 family,
Prediction of therapy response (TAM) Cell lines and tissue qRT-PCR/
i) BC cell lines ± ER activation
ii) 15 ER+ BC + exemestane and TAM
All miRNAs are upregulated upon anti-estrogen treatment 214
miR-26a, miR-30b, let-7 family, miR-125a/b Prediction of therapy response (H) Tissue Microarray/ 83 BC + H vs adiacent stromal microdissected cells With SVM technique, they developed a 35 miRNA signature for H treatment response 216
Circulating miRNAs miR-155 Diagnosis Serum qRT-PCR/
89 BC vs 29 N
miR-155 is increased, both in primary and metastatic BC 208
miR-195 Diagnosis Blood qRT-PCR/
83 BC patients vs 44 N
miR-195 is increased +19.25 fold 209
Diagnosis and prognosis Serum qRT-PCR/
20 BC sera vs 20 N
both miRNAs are increased; miR29a correlates with tumor stage 210
miR-324-3 p
Diagnosis and prognosis Serum TaqMan /
48 BC vs 48 N
All are increased in high risk patients 211
Diagnosis and prognosis Blood and serum RT-PCR/
136 BC vs 60 non BC
All miRNAs are increased in BC patients; 224
miR-18b miR-103 miR-107
Diagnosis, prognosis Serum RT-PCR/ 33 primary TNBC vs 33 N 4 miRNA signature predict tumor relapse and overall survival 225
miR-210 Prediction of therapy response (H) Plasma TaqMan /
18 BC+ H vs 11 not responding BC
miR-210 is higher in patients with residual BC (+2 fold) 222
miR-155 Prediction of therapy response (taxane) Serum RT-PCR/
103 BC+taxane vs 55 N
miR-155 expression correlates with the treatment course 223
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