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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Jul 21.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2014 May 20;11(6):308–323. doi: 10.1038/nrclinonc.2014.68

Table 4. Large retrospective series of radical prostatectomy in high-risk patients demonstrates favorable 10-year prostate cancer–specific survival.

Author Number high-risk patients Definition of high-risk Prostate cancer–specific survival (PCS) Comments on population Adjuvant therapy (adj)
Briganti, Joniau, et al., 201274 1366 PSA >20 or cT3 or bx Gl > 8 10 yr PCS 91%
10 yr 98% vs 88% in organ confined vs non-organ confines PCS
57% with cT3
75% with pT3-4
-adjuvant rx in 66.4% vs 16.8% in non-organ confined vs confined disease
48% received adj therapy
(ADT +/- RT).
-8.2% adj RT
-29.7% adj ADT
-10.2% adj RT+ADT
Boorjian, 201173 1238 PSA >20 or cT3 or bx Gl > 8 10 yrs PCS 92% -33% cT3-4 -40% received adj therapy
- 6.9% RT
-29.5% ADT
- 4.1% both RT and ADT)
Stephenson, 200965 1962 PSA >20 or cT3 or bx Gl > 8 10yr PCS 92%
15 yr PCS 81%
-large study, high risk represented 17% of overall population -Adj therapy not reported
Ward, 200575 841 cT3 10yr PCS 90%
15yr PCS 79%
18% Gleason > 8
Mean PSA=10.2 (4.7-23.7)
-51% received adj RT
-16% received adj ADT
Yossepowitch, 200876 1359 per D'Amico def'n
938 per NCCN def'n
8 high risk definitions compared 10yr PCS 93% per D'Amico
10yr PCM 92% per NCCN
-10yr cum incidence varied by definition (3-11%) 30-39% received ADT and/or RT within 5 yrs, but almost all at BCR/or salvage;
no adj ADT and only 31cases of adj RT
Eggener, 201166 631 modeling/726 validation cohort High risk per se not defined, but subset Gleason > 8subset reported 10yr PCS 82-87% for Gleason > 8 PCS by age: 70-79yo: 82% 60-69: 87% <60: 85% -Adj therapy not reported
Spahn, 201067 712 PSA > 20ng/ml 10yr PCS estimated 89.8% 44% cT3-4
20% Gleason > 8
Adj RT varied by number of additional risk factors (11.9-21.6%)
Adjuvant ADT similarly varied based on additional risk factors (35.4%-84.1%)
Zwergel, 200768 275 PSA > 20ng/ml 10 yr PCS 83% 75% also pT3
49% Gl > 8
-129/275 (47%) immediate ADT (almost all before yr 2000 when practice patterns changed at this single institution study)
-Survival did not differ between immediate vs deferred ADT
2/275 adj RT (<1%)