Figure 2.
Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of the femurs. Following treatment with or without electroacupuncture for 90 days, the rats were sacrificed and specimens of the left femur from each group were processed for H&E staining. The images are representative (magnification, x40). (A) Rats in the sham control group show a complete and ordered trabecula structure and no hairline fractures. (B) Rats in the ovariectomized group show a reduced number of disordered and thinning trabeculae, empty bone lacunae and hairline fractures. (C) Rats in the governor vessel group show a complete trabecula structure with a slightly ordered arrangement of trabeculae and no clear hairline fractures. (D) Rats in the bladder meridian group show a complete trabecula structure with a slightly ordered arrangement of trabeculae and no evident hairline fractures.