Table 3. Perceived Organizational Capacity for Using Evidence-based Practicesa Among National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Partners (n = 83), 2012b .
Strongly agreed or agreed with statement | n (%) |
My CCC organization understands the importance of using EBPs | 64 (84.3) |
My CCC organization has adequate access to cancer registry data | 56 (74.7) |
Using EBPs is part of the norm in my CCC organization | 56 (74.7) |
My CCC organization has community members who can advise us on EBPs | 54 (71.0) |
My CCC organization has sufficient access to epidemiological expertise | 52 (68.4) |
My CCC organization has sufficient data support to inform our cancer control planning | 51 (67.1) |
My CCC organization has a champion who supports the use of EBPs | 51 (67.1) |
My CCC organization has sufficient staff in place to implement EBPs | 37 (48.7) |
My CCC organization has sufficient staff in place to develop new EBPs | 21 (27.7) |
My CCC organization has sufficient financial resources to implement existing EBPs | 18 (23.7) |
My CCC organization has sufficient financial resources to develop new EBPs | 6 (7.9) |
Abbreviations: CCC, comprehensive cancer control; EBP, evidence-based practice.
The question was, “Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.”
Because of missing data or nonresponse, denominators for some categories did not total 83.