A) Kaplan-Meier survival curve for control and FMD cohort (N= 46 and 29, respectively). B) Overview for onset of death, 75%-, median-, 25%- and maximum lifespan in months with % change. C) Cumulative incidence rates of deaths associated with neoplasia. D) Cumulative incidence rates of deaths not associated with neoplasia. E) Overview over the date of death not associated with neoplasms. The change from the 4 day FMD to 3 day FMD is indicated by the green shaded area at 26.6 month. The stop of the 3 day FMD and switch to the ad lib control diet after 6 FMD cycles is indicated by the white shaded area. Numbers over the red squares indicate the number of animals deceased on the particular date, asterisk indicates that death during the FMD regime or within 3 days of refeeding. All data are expressed as the mean ± SEM.