Figure 3.
Neuronal nuclei densities and viability around implanted microelectrodes. Neuronal nuclei (NeuN) and fluorojade-C labeling was assessed at two (A-G) and sixteen (H-N) weeks following device implantation in tested animal groups. At two weeks, no statistical differences between animal conditions were noted (G). However, all conditions, from 0 to 50 µm, demonstrated significantly lower densities than background (*p<0.05). By sixteen weeks, only changes were noted in fluorojade-C labeling, where daily diluent and daily resveratrol animals had smaller populations of degenerating neurons (I, K, M). Only the binning region of 0 to 50 µm had significantly lower densities than background (N; *p<0.05). Data represent average ± s.e.m. N≥4. Scale = 100 µm.