Figure 3.
Cognitive behaviors in HSD2BKO compared to CON mice. (A) A cartoon describes the object recognition (OR) test where sample phase enables the mouse to investigate two objects followed by a test phase where one object is changed to a new one, the time the mouse investigates both the known and novel objects is measured and the discrimination ratio is then calculated. The higher the ratio the more the mouse has recognised the object is novel. The second cartoon describes the Object-in-Place (OiP) task. This test involves 4 objects in the sample phase and in the test phase two of the objects have switched place. (B) (i) Object recognition task in C0N and HSD2BKO revealed in performance in this task between genotypes. However in the more demanding task of OiP, while the CON mice can discriminate when objects have been moved to a different place, the HSD2BKO mice are unable to do this irrespective of whether they have had a delay of 5 min (ii) or 1 h (iii) between sample and test phases. Values are mean ± SEM, n = 8–9. ***p < 0.001 compared to CON.