Figure 5.
Brain areas of connectivity with left angular gyrus. (A) Axial view of the brain regions with increased or decreased connectivity with the lAnG (pink). Numbers on top show the slice location in the z-axis. Blue group represents the areas with decreased connectivity and Red group represents increased connectivity. The color intensity represents the t-values of the t-tests: blue (−1.93)—light blue (−3.44), and red (1.76)—yellow (2.58). (B) Schematic of the differences in connectivity of the lAnG with the other areas according to the statistical contrasts (post-Control > post-Music, and post-Music > post-Control). Thick lines represent increased connectivity and thin lines represent decreased connectivity. L, left; r, right; AnG, angular gyrus; PreG, Precentral gyrus; Prec, precuneus; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; SMA, supplementary motor cortex; dlPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; CAU, caudate.