Fig. 3.
Technical replicates were highly correlated within the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus (HPC). Quantile normalized hybridization and amplification replicates were compared by pairwise Pearson correlation and clustered according to inter-sample correlation values. (A) In the PFC, all hybridization replicates (Hyb_rep), consisting of 9 arrays from the same original sample, were highly correlated, with correlation values >0.95. The amplification replicates (Amp_rep), consisting of 2 arrays from the same sample, were also highly correlated and clustered together. (B) In the HPC, all hybridization replicates, which originated from 4 different samples (group), were highly correlated, with correlation values >0.94, and partially clustered by original sample group. Unique array identification numbers are displayed on the right side of each heatmap.