Figure 3.
Notch signaling heterogeneity exists in the embryonic forebrain. Strategy to detect CBF1 activation in the TNR line (a). Nestin (b) is expressed in the telencephalic (telen.) VZ, as is EGFP in TNR embryos (c). EGFPhi cells in the E14.5 neocortex (Ncx, d) and lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE, e) are interspersed with EGFPlo/neg cells. Double labeling reveals that cleaved (activated) Notch1 (red) is present in cells expressing high and low levels of EGFP (f). Bars: (b,c) 200 µm; (d–f) 25 µm. (Reprinted from Mizutani et al. 2007 [© Nature Publishing Group].).