Figure 3.
A. Microarray profile for Williams syndrome (7q11.2) identified by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) using GOLD Chip. Each clone represented on the array is arranged along the x-axis according to its location on the chromosome with the most distal/telomeric p-arm clones on the left and the most distal/telomeric q-arm clones on the right. The green lines represent the log2 ratios from the first experiment (patient Cy3/control Cy5), whereas the red plots represent the log2 ratios obtained from the second experiment in which the dyes have been reversed (patient Cy5/control Cy3). B. Microarray profiles of chromosome 7. The green line represents the patient-to-control fluorescence intensity ratios (gain of DNA); the red line represents dye-reversed control-to-patient fluorescence ratios (loss of DNA). Deletion in 7q11.2 is represented from BAC clones C7Q-015 and C7Q-012.