Arousal latencies in response to hypoxia in P21 rat pups from ETOH or CONTROL groups after injection of either aCSF (ETOH n = 7, CONTROL n = 12), NIP (ETOH n = 6, CONTROL n = 12) or gabazine (ETOH n = 6, CONTROL n = 12), in the medullary raphe. (A) Arousal latency across trials for the ETOH and CONTROL pups, a) injected with aCSF. b) injected with NIP, c) injected with gabazine, d) Arousal latency across trials for the three injections, aCSF, NIP, and gabazine in the CONTROL pups, e) Arousal latency across trials for the three injections, aCSF, NIP, and gabazine in the ETOH pups. (B) Mean arousal latency averaged across trials at P21 for both ETOH and CONTROL pups injected with either, aCSF, NIP or gabazine. *Significant difference from CONTROL/aCSF (P < 0.05), #Significant difference from CONTROL/gabazine, $Significant difference from CONTROL/NIP. All values are expressed as mean (SEM).