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. 2015 Jul 21;10(7):e0133415. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133415

Table 2. Summary results from the 15 included trials.

Studies Countries N WAD Design Intervention 1 Intervention 2 Intervention 3 Outcome Measures Follow-up period Main Results
Aigner et al. 2006 [29] Austria 53 II Parallel RCT with single blind Collar and laser acupuncture Collar and placebo laser acupuncture - -CROM,Subjective symptoms (neck pain, dizziness, paresthesia and tinnitus),Sick leave 3 weeks (Clinically)8-12 Months (Postal) No significant difference between interventions in all outcome measures
Bonk et al. 2000 [30] Germany 147 0-II Parallel RCT Active therapy (active mobilization and exercise) Collar therapy Control -Subjective symptoms (such as pain, stiffness), CROM 3 months No significant difference between interventions at 3 months
Borchgrev-ink et al. 1998 [31] Norway 201 0-II Parallel RCT with single blind Act-as-usual Immobilisati-on - -Subjective symptoms using questionnaire, Pain (VAS), CROM, Shoulder movement, Sick leave 6 months I1>I2 significantly in improvement neck pain (p<0.01), pain during daily activities (p< 0.05), headaches (p<0.01), painful regions (p<0.01), and memory and concentration problems (p<0.001) at 6 months. ROM of neck and shoulder did not differ between interventions.
Conforti and Fachinetti 2013 [54] Italy 135 I-II Parallel RCT with single blind HPLT PT (manual therapy, passive and active exercise) - -Pain (VAS), The date of return to work 6 weeks I1 > I2significantly improved in both pain (p = 0.005) and the date of return to work (p<0.001)
Dehner et al. 2006 [55] Germany 70 II Parallel RCT 2 days with collar + standard PT after a weeks 10 days with collar + standard PT after a weeks - -Pain (VAS), Disability (VAS), CROM 6 months No significant difference between interventions in all outcome measures
Dehner et al. 2009 [32] Germany 90 II Parallel RCT Active physical therapy Passive physical therapy Act as usual -Pain (VAS), CROM, Period of disability/ sickness costs 2 months - Pain improvement: I1>I2>I3 significantly- CROM: I1 = I2 = I3- Period of disability: I1 = I2<I3
Ferrari et al. 2005 [33] Canada 112 I-II Parallel RCT with single blind Education pamphlet Control group - -The number of recovery 3 months No significant difference between interventions
Foley-Nolan et al. 1992 [34] Ireland 40 0-II Parallel RCT with single blind PEMT + collar + active exercise Placebo + collar + active exercise - -Pain (VAS), CROM, Number of analgesics 3 months I1>I 2 significantly improved in terms of pain (VAS) at 2 and 4 weeks but no significance at 12 weeks. For the CROM, I1>I2 significantly at 3 months (p<0.001).
Jull et al. 2013 [56] Australia 101 II Parallel RCT with single blind Multiprofess-ional intervention Usual care - -Pain (VAS), NDI, IES, PFActS-C, GHQ 28, CROM, Craniocervical flexor test, Balance, Cervical proprioception, PPT, HPT, CPT, Sympathetic vasoconstrictor response, Types and dosage of medications 12 months No significant difference between interventions in all outcome measures but the recovery of pain and disability between baseline, 6 and 12 months has significant differences in both interventions.
Ottosson et al. 2007 [35] Sweden 127 I-II Parallel RCT with unblind Educational programme + self-care (exercise for relaxation and postural control) Standard Rx.(basic medications) - -Self-reported recovery, SF-36, SMFA, Pain and mental distress (VAS), Sick leave 12 months I1>I2 significantly in terms of self-reported recovery (p<0.03) but no significant difference in other outcomes between interventions
Picelli et al. 2011 [36] Italy 18 I-II Parallel RCT with single blind Neck fascia manipulation Neck mobilization exercise + stretching - -CROM, Pain (VAS), NDI, PPT 2 weeks CROM: I1>I2 significantly (p<0.01) but other outcome measures, no significant differences between interventions.
Rosenfeld et al. 2003 [37][Rosenfeld et al. 2006 reporting same trail][57] Sweden 102 0-II Parallel RCT with single blind Active mobilization within 96 hours or Active mobilization 14 days Standard Rx. (rest, collar and gradual self-mobil)within 96 hrs or Standard Rx. (rest, collar and gradual self-mobil) 14 days - -Pain (VAS), CROM, Sick leave 3 years Pain and sick leave I1<I2 significantly (p<0.05) but no significance in CROM (p = 0.06–0.08)
Schnabel et al. 2004 [58] Germany 200 I-II Parallel RCT with un- blind Mobilisation exercise Collar therapy - -Pain (VAS), Disability (VAS) 6 weeks I1>I2 significantly in improving pain and disability (p<0.05)
Scholten-Peerters et al. 2006 [59] Netherlands 80 I-II Parallel RCT with single blind Education and exercise by PTs Education by GPs - -Pain (VAS), Functional recovery (VAS), SF-36, CROM, TSK, PCI, NDI, Disability in housekeeping and social activities (VAS) 13 months At 12 weeks, I1>I2 significantly for CROM improvement but in long term I2>I1 significantly in terms of functional recovery, coping, and physical functioning.
Vassiliou et al. 2006 [38] Germany 200 I-II Parallel RCT with unblind PT + active exercise Standard Rx (drugs + soft collar) - -Pain and disability (NRS), Number of days with oral medication, The period of soft collar 6 months I1>I2 significantly improved in terms of pain intensity and disability. Other outcomes had been reported but no compare using statistic procedure.

CPT: Cold Pain Threshold, CROM: Cervical Range of Motion, GHQ 28: General Health Questionnaire, HPLT: High Power Laser Therapy, HPT: Hot Pain Threshold, I: Intervention, IES: Impact of Events Scale, NDI: Neck Disability Index, NRS: Numeric Rating Scale, PCI: Pain Coping Inventory, PFActS-C: Pictorial Fear of Activity Scale-Cervical, PPT: Pressure Pain Thresholds, PT: Physiotherapy, RCT: Randomised Controlled Trail, Rx: Treatment, SMFA: Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment, SF-36: Functional Health Status (Short Form 36), TSK: Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, VAS: Visual Analogue Scale